martes, 20 de enero de 2009

Decimal numbers task.

Hello, people!!This week let´s do some exercises about decimal numbers:
Go to delicious and click in the third link:BBC -skillswise-numbers-fractions,decimal and percentages.
1.Click in INTRODUCTIONS TO DECIMALS ; in that page there are three links, but you only have to go to ACTIVITY . Click over there and then in PLAY THE GAME. Read the instructions and click in PLAY . There are 3 levels . Click the level C and play the game!It's easy to play (but if you have problems ,click the level B or A, they are easier).You have to PUT IN ORDER the numbers.

2.Click in USING DECIMALS ; Click in QUIZ; click the level C (the most difficult) ;there are 10 questions ;try to do them !! If they are very difficult try to do the level B or A (it´s easier).If you are in trouble go the dictionary on line (remember DELICIOUS->WORD REFERENCE).

UFF !!Cuánto inglés,¿ no? Ya tenéis que intentar entender estas instrucciones sencillas en inglés.Ayudaos del diccionario on line: ya sabeis ,pinchais en DELICIOUS y luego en WORDREFERENCE. No teneis más que escribir la palabra que buscais en el recuadro superior y
darle a BUSCAR.
Por favor ,ESCRIBID COMENTARIOS ,y si es en inglés mucho mejor!!, ya sabéis que los valoro mucho!! Suerte.

8 comentarios:

Miguel dijo...

Hello Alberto! I'm play for the game. It's very easy. Good bie!

alberfaguara dijo...

Hello, Miguel !! You are always the first!!! That's good!!
ah! You can say "I'm playing the game" or "I played the game", ok?See you tomorrow!

Unknown dijo...


Unknown dijo...


Unknown dijo...

¡¡¡ola alberto¡¡¡ he hecho ejercicios de decimales,he jugado altres en raya etc me se habia olbidado darte las gracias por acerme una nueva cuenta bueno asta mañana

alberfaguara dijo...

Hello ,DaviD! You are welcome!! Me alegro de que estés en este blog ...a seguir así!!
See you tomorrow!!

Jose Pedro Maroto dijo...

hello Alberto! he play the game is very well.I like the game.goodbye!

alberfaguara dijo...

Hello ,Jose Pedro !! It's very good!!! A seguir asi;see you next week