jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

Hi, 1st!!

Hello, pupils. We are going to work from this BLOG. You will have to look for DELICIOUS (on the right side) and follow the rute .
Let´s start with these example:

DELICIOUS->MATH GAMES (search it on the 2nd page) ->NUMBER OPERATIONS-> Choose level 2 and click start. Then we will try level#3 and finally level #4

Easy or not?????
I hope so.

2)DELICIOUS->MATH GAMES (search it on the 2nd page) ->MULTIPLICATION GAME--> read the instructions and try to win your adversary (the computer)

That's all!!!! Don't forget to write your comments in this BLOG .You can play with these games in your home ; then tell us your opinion about it and share with your classmates your experiencies.


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3 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Algunos juegos son muy difíciles

Javi dijo...

Una manera divertida de aprender matematicas,aunque no es tan facil

alberfaguara dijo...

Hola y saludos, Karen y Javi
Los juegos más difíciles los iremos viendo a lo largo del curso y veréis como son más fáciles de lo que parecen.
¿Y el resto de la gente, no se anima a escribir?